Just Cause 4 20-Minutes Gameplay Shows off the vast desert

Developer Avalanche and publisher Square Enix released a 19-minute gameplay footage of their upcoming open-world action game “Just Cause 4” on Thursday which you can watch above.

Just Cause 4 20-minutes gameplay footage is a video presentation from Gamescom 2018 which took place in August. During the demo presentation, Director Francesco Antolini showcased the game’s beautiful open world, traversal options and dynamic weather. The video shows off the randomly generated world occurrence: sandstorm and tornado which players may occasionally run into as they travel through the desert. The video also shows the supply drop system which can drop off a vehicle/airplane wherever you want.

Antolini said “Modelled after South America, it’s the largest and most diverse game world in the series to date. It introduces fully simulated tornadoes and other extreme weather effects”.

The developer followed a variety of factors while designing the weather events. First, the developer wanted weather events to be game changers. A storm can significantly alter an area, both in how it looks and plays. Second, we wanted extreme weather events to be challenging. “It can’t just be something that you have and you walk down it”. Lastly, Avalanche wants players to use and master the weather effects.

Just Cause 4 is heading to Windows PC, PlayStation 4 and XBOX One on Dec. 4.

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