During the Final Fantasy XIV Fan Fest, producer and director Naoki Yoshida announced an unexpected crossover between Final Fantasy 14 and Fall Guys. That’ll bring content from Final Fantasy 14 to Fall Guys and a new Fall Guys-inspired minigame to Final Fantasy 14.
Thanks to a Fall Guys blog post, we know the Warriors of Light crossover in Fall Guys will begin on August 22 and introduces eight new costumes. During the event, players can purchase the following costumes: Alphinaud, Alisaie’s, Dragoon, Namazu, Fat Chocobo, Fat Black Chocobo, Goobbue, and a White Mage Costume. Besides the skins, not much is known about the event, but based on previous crossovers, it’s possible that a that a FF14 map or mode will be introduced too.
Meanwhile, the Final Fantasy 14 event will be a part of the 6.5 patch, which will arrive sometime next year. To activate the game, players will have to visit the Gold Saucer, and once they start the game, they’ll have to avoid a series of traps while racing to the finish line, like you would in Fall Guys.
For more Final Fantasy 14 news, check out our story on how it’s finally coming to Xbox next year in the spring.