Rabbit & Bear Studios has announced that it is delaying Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes to Q2 2024.”The decision was made in order to ensure the best possible story, and to reward the legion of backers with the best game experience possible,” the team said in a Kickstarter update. CEO Yoshitaka Murayama also mentioned in the update that he has already completed the game’s story, as well as the DLC, and is now working on setting material while also supervising text.Character illustrator Junko Kawano noted that with Tokyo Game Show coming up in September, the studio hopes to release more information about the game around that time.Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes was announced in 2020 and became one of the biggest video game Kickstarter projects ever. It was billed as a spiritual successor to Suikoden as both Murayama and Kawano are veteran developers of the franchise.The game is planned for release on PC, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. It’ll also arrive on Xbox Game Pass on launch day.A 2D side-scroller prequel, Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising, was released in May 2022 for PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One. It’s available on Xbox Game Pass as well.
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